Here are my top five ways to wear your hair at your wedding. Let me know what you think, tweet me at @FunkiMunkiUK!

Bun- looks so elegant, and you know it will probably stay put for the majority of the day (with some hairspray of course..). I think it looks really nice if you have good bone structure to pull this off.…
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First thing you should do is bond with all the other bridesmaids, if you know them all, perfect. But if you don’t then make an effort to get everyone’s numbers or email addresses and share ideas for the bride’s hen party so everyone has input and everyone feels involved.
Organise the best hen party you can, check with the bride who she wants to invite, and what she sees you all doing, it is her hen party after all!…
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Here are my top ten places to have your hen party! In an attempt to keep the costs down for you guys, I have stuck to my ideal UK destinations, who needs to go abroad when you’ve got these great cities within driving distance!

London- Why not head to the capital for a night out in style?…
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If you’ve got a winter wedding coming up soon, you might be stressing over what look to go for, after all there is no fail safe summer dress alternative! Here are my top five trends or looks for your winter weddings.

Jewel tones- Go for deep plum, burgundy, emerald green, these type of colours are extremely classy.…
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When you look back over the past year, there has been many a high profile engagement in Hollywood. Some of which have been eagerly awaited, while others have come completely out of the blue!

I am talking of course about the engagement of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Miley was a child actress, playing her alter ego ‘Hannah Montana’ from a young age means she’s been in the spotlight for a while.…
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